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The Fundamentals of Self-Published Book Marketing

There's an explosion of interest in book marketing firms as an ever-increasing number of writers self-publish their work. In the early days of authors acting as their own publishers, it might have required different (or additional) promotional tactics. But today, self-published books are promoted in much the same way as their traditionally published competitors. Everyone is competing for the same rankings online and coverage in the media. By now, almost everyone agrees that quality books are all that matter, regardless of how they are published. Self-published authors do shoulder promotional responsibility.

Most savvy authors have decided on a target audience for their books long before writing them. Those decisions then influence the marketing campaign that follows. As you begin discussing publicity to promote your book, it's crucial to clarify why it advances your topic or is better than what's come before it. Making the case to prospective readers about its value is required to spark sales and build momentum.


Book Marketing Ideas for Authors | 110 Tips for 2022 | Smith Publicity

Book Marketing Ideas for Authors | 110 Tips for 2022 | Smith Publicity

List of 110 book marketing ideas on how to market a book. For a free consultation contact Smith Publicity the leading book publicity company.
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